Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Because I can

Five things I've learned or been reminded of today...

1. eating good FEELS good

2. sometimes you just need a good drive paired with a good song

3. I wish I was friends with Maci. shes awesome.

4. family doesnt have to be just blood related. sometimes the ones who arent, are part of the best

5. some people, just really dont get it. honestly.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Five things I have learned or been reminded of today:

1. running at night when the hot sun is gone and replaced with a sky full of stars and a full moon, is truly the best.

2. sometimes reading or hearing something small can change your whole day. for the better.

3. having a best friend is really really great

4. playing golf with the dear ole grandma never gets old

5. sometimes we think too much and create problems in our heads that dont even exist. relax and trust.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I've caved.  I've given into the world of blogging. I can give most of the credit to my dearest Lauren Mary, who without knowing has influneced me, for some reason, to want to put all my random thoughts and actions onto a screen for all to see. Who would want to do that you ask? I guess me. We'll see how this whole diving into the blog world works out!